I've just got back home from a shoot in Wimbledon where I photographed a very smart retirement home for a brochure. It was an interesting old building right on the edge of the Common and apparently a lady once lived there who had an affair with King Edward 3rd so it's a very old and grand place as you can imagine. The drive home was pretty hot and stuffy though as the aircon on my Volvo V50 has broken again!.
Tomorrow I've got a shoot down in Devizies in Wiltshire which is a lovely part of the world and I always love driving in that direction (even without aircon) then I'm shooting a video in Milton Keynes on Thursday and on Friday I've got a warehouse and supermarket interior to shoot in Thurrock starting at 7.30am and then I'm on BBC Three Counties Radio in the afternoon from 2.30pm so all in all a very busy week.
I was thinking today that I haven't bought any camera kit for a couple of years now and I'm still blown away by the quality of image I'm getting from the EOS 5D MK2 and the original 5D too. I've got four L series lenses too which I've owned for a few years and I think we're arriving at a point right now where the need to continually upgrade to the latest camera is now over. I can't see me buying the next generation Canon Pro DSLR now unless something goes wrong with my existing kit or something groundbreaking comes out with say high dynamic range imaging built in but I can't see this happening for a few years yet. I think the resolution of the 5D MK2 (22MP) is enough for anyone unless you're routinely shooting full size billboard images, and for that reason I'm happy to stay with the kit I've got.
I get asked a lot by enthusiasts as to which camera to buy and my advice is always the same - buy a used DLSR body from a camera dealer with a guarantee and spend the bulk of the money on top quality second hand lenses as these really make the difference. A great lens on an 8MP camera will give a better picture than a cheap lens on a 20MP camera!.
I've attached a picture from a shoot I did at the excellent All Star Lanes boutique bowling alley in London - I'm lucky to have been commissioned by the owners to photograph all three of their venues in London and they are well worth a visit if you fancy a great night out in stylish surroundings. Here's a link to their website - http://www.allstarlanes.co.uk/
I took the pictures without people in on their site (the pictures with people aren't mine!!)
First LEED Platinum Home in Virginia
This modern, award-winning abode is the first LEED Platinum home in Virginia. Located at 5803 16th Street North in Arlington, the home was built by Metro Green and designed by Kaplan Thompson Architects (the firm that also designed the popular net-zero energy Bright Built Barn). Although it's a little bigger than the ones we tend to mention -- 3,825 square feet with a tight footprint -- I think the home is worth mentioning for a number of reasons. First, annual heating and cooling costs are $180 and $125 respectively! In addition, 5803 has the following green elements:
- A Liveroof green roof;
- 1 kW array of photovoltaics;
- Geothermal wells and heat pump;
- Efficient SIPs walls and roof;
- Efficient spray foam insulation;
- High efficiency appliances;
- Energy recovery ventilation system;
- Low-VOC finishes and paints;
- 540 gallons of rainwater cisterns;
- Custom nanogel curtain wall glazing;
- Double-glazed, argon-filled windows; and
- Pervious paving and drought-tolerant landscaping.
5803 was designed to be efficient from the beginning. It received a HERS score of 51, Energy Star rating of 5+ Stars, and Energy Star certification for exceptional indoor air quality. Moreover, the site design features zero site runoff for a one-inch rain event. And in case you're in the market for a green home, check these links.
[+] Metro Green LEED Platinum home
[$] 5803 16th St North is for sale for $1.175k at Redfin.
Photo credits and copyright: Parker Daniell.
Oregon Shift House Seeks Passive House
Last week, Willamette Week Online published an article called "Futurehaus," which we linked to in our Saturday Week in Review. The article describes an Oregon Passive House project in the works by Root Design Build. The house is referred to as the Shift House, which, awkwardly enough, is not to be confused with the other Shift Home that we covered recently. But that's not to take anything away from it. With construction set to begin next month, upon completion in September, it'll be one of only a few certified Passive Houses in the United States.
Of course, the media has been giving attention to Passive Houses, and the broader public is becoming more and more aware of the standard. Passive Houses require three main things: an airtight envelope, little to no heating and cooling energy, and minimal overall energy use. You can read about the more technical standards on the Passive House website.
Root Design Build's Shift House maintains a somewhat traditional design, and the necessary energy efficiency goals will be sought by eliminating thermal bridges and using super insulation, roof overhangs, triple-pane windows, south-facing windows, concrete floors for thermal mass, and waste heat, etc. And with the tight envelope, the home requires a heat recovery ventilator to keep the air fresh.
Shift House will be just over 1,700 square feet, and Root Design Build has $300,000 budgeted for construction. Although the home will have solar panels, not counting energy from the panels, the estimated yearly heating cost should be under $200, if all goes as planned. Very interesting. We'll keep you posted as the Shift House moves forward ...
As a side note ... it seems popular to couch LEED criticism in praise for Passive House. Most certainly, LEED could be more rigorous in terms of energy performance, although it should be remembered that the goal of the program is market transformation. But as has been said by others, LEED and Passive House don't necessarily need to be mutually exclusive. Moreover, while Passive House zeros in on energy efficiency and tightness, LEED has a broader focus on other important environmental aspects, such as site issues, construction activity, materials and waste, water efficiency, and environmental air quality, etc. The goals and programs are slightly different. In any event, you know we'll be the first to tell you if we see a LEED Platinum Passive House.
Modern Green Affordable Shift Home
Inspired by the likes of Dwell and the 100k House, Deezine.ca and Shift Development came together with an idea. They thought it would be interesting to have a modern, green, and affordable home designed by an entire community online. Ideas are posted online and the community can make suggestions for changes. Their idea became the Shift Home. You can see how the design has changed in the past few months, but to be clear, this home is not just a thought experiment. Shift Development breaks ground in late-May, or thereabouts.
The Shift Home will be located in Riversdale in Saskatchewan, roughly three blocks from the redevelopment of River Landing. If all goes as planned, the home will be the first LEED Canada for Homes Certified home in Saskatchewan.
The goal is to be affordable to a household income of less than $40k a year.
In addition, the philosophy for green design is to conserve first and use green technology after everything else has been done. Standard green features include a super-insulated envelope, rainwater catchment, heat recovery, triple-glazed windows, a recycling center, dual-flush toilets, and low-flow fixtures. Green upgrades include a green roof, solar thermal, and LED lighting, etc.
The final design for the envelope will be released tomorrow, but help is still needed. The Shift Home needs community insight as to interior and product selections. So get involved ...
This week has been pretty quiet in terms of getting out and about although I did the shoot on Monday in Peterborough and also did a small local shoot on Wednesday. I spent the rest of the week post shoot processing a lot of pictures and I'm now up to date which always feels good.
Does anyone remember the Canon FD series?. I've still got a Canon F1, A1 and T90 with a few really nice lenses but these can't be used on the newer Canon EOS cameras including the digital bodies. They can however be fitted to the Panasonic G1, GH1 and G2 cameras via a cheap adaptor and I've been using my 30+ year old lenses with my new G1 body and they are fantastic. If anyone is looking to get a small digital camera with the ability to change lenses then the G1 is a great piece of kit and it's now down to around £400 including the kit lens.
Here's the good bit - the old Canon FD lenses are dirt cheap on ebay right now and offer serious quality when compared to brand new lenses so I would recommend anyone to buy a couple of old FD lenses and put them onto one of these G1 cameras. A really clean 50mm standard lens can be found for around £20-£30 on ebay and this would work beautifully on the G1.
I'm going to shoot some pictures over the weekend on my old A1 with black and white film as I always find it liberating to shoot film and not rely too heavily on LCD screens and auto focus / auto everything digital cameras.
I've attached a picture in today's blog that I took last month at a gig in Wolverton where my nephew played drums in a band called Lower than Atlantis. I took this shot on my G1 with a lens made in 1976 (Canon FD 35mm F2) with the lens wide open at F2 and the camera ISO set at 1600. OK there is some grain but the picture is pretty sharp considering how poor the lighting was so I reckon these old Canon lenses are well worth buying while they're still cheap!.